The Eleanor Wade Custer School of Nursing offers Continuing Education opportunities for our graduate students, nurse and health professionals.
The purpose of the CNE unit is to promote continuing nursing education programs for Shenandoah University’s EWCSON graduate students and the nursing community.
Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming events
Friday, April 12, 2024 from 9am – 3pm
Rho Pi 24th Annual Spring Nursing Research Day
Shenandoah University
1775 N. Sector Ct.
Winchester, VA
Sigma Theta Tau Rho Pi Chapter and Valley Health Winchester Medical Center Present: “Transforming Nursing Practice through Technology & Innovation” featuring Keynote Speakers Christine Thomas PhD, RN, CHSE-A and Emily Cornelius MSN, RN, NE-BC.
If you have any questions regarding the CNE program or the upcoming events, please contact the School of Nursing at